Thursday, 8 July 2021


John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  

'Jesus is the Word.  God and Jesus are inseparable. God and His Word are inseparable.  If we love God then we'll love His word, they are one and the same.'  Now, read that again and let it speak to you.

When we get a revelation that God and His Word are one and the same it will give us a much stronger desire to read it.  At some point we all have to ask ourselves if we're giving God first place and final authority in our lives because if we are, then we'll give God's Word first place and final authority in our lives over every other voice we hear. I hope we're seeing the connection. 

Then the more we hear God's Word, read it and understand it, the more our faith will grow.

For we walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7), but so often we're living by what we can see or feel. God, however, wants us to 'see' some invisible stuff in the spirit realm and the more we read His word and 'hear' it the more the Holy Spirit can help us to walk by faith.

When Hebrews says 'but without faith it's impossible to please Him' Heb.11:6,  it's because God knows we can't access all the blessings He has for us until we believe for them by faith. While we're stuck in the so called 'reality' zone, we'll not believe for Him to do the miraculous because it's only released by faith in His Word. 

I think God is challenging us all to stop and think "Am I giving God's Word first place and really believing it, and what am I believing for? Am I 'faithing' for anything, and if so, what?" 

Although God's challenges can be uncomfortable they're necessary or we can just drift along airy fairy! Well I know I can anyway! 

How about you, is He giving you a nudge today to get more into His Word? Then praise the Lord, and as you obey His nudging, don't forget to put your faith hat on at the same time so He can give you something to 'faith' for. ðŸ˜Š

God bless you as you do.

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