Wednesday, 14 July 2021


Micah 6:8 No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

We all love to receive mercy when we've made a mistake, when we've done something we know we shouldn't have done and Hebrews 4:16 reminds us to come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Thank God He has given us permission to come with confidence into the throne room to get the mercy we so need and then goes further by giving us His favour for whatever we need on top of that. It's like the icing on the cake if I can say that without seeming irreverent! We have a wonderful Saviour! 

What about giving mercy to others? Do we 'love' mercy when we're required to give it to someone else? That's a bit more difficult sometimes and it's good to remember that God has given us mercy so often, that really we can't point the finger at anyone else, and I really need to remember that myself. I was recounting a situation we're dealing with, to my daughter, and she said "maybe the lady is very unhappy inside and that's why she is behaving the way she is." God really challenged me through that comment and I know I have to show that person more mercy and pray for her instead of complaining!  So let's encourage each other to be merciful.

Micah goes on to say to walk humbly with your God. Isaiah explains why...
Isaiah 57:2 he restores the crushed spirit of the humble and revives the courage of those with repentant hearts. 

Have you been feeling crushed in spirit lately? Well can I encourage you with this last verse because as you come with confidence to God, when you come acknowledging your great need of Him, He has not only promised to give you mercy but He's promised to restore you and to give you new courage to face the future. I hope you received that.... He revives your courage!
Don't you just love God's Word and His promises? At some point we've all been crushed in spirit, we've all needed His mercy and we all need new courage everyday to deal with life, and our God has made provision for all of it. 

Mercy, restoration and new courage -Wow! Who wouldn't want that, but don't forget you have to come to the throne room to receive it.

So I hope that encourages you today and makes you want to go and visit with God and get some mercy, some grace, some restoration and some courage. Just thank Him and give Him all the praise and glory He deserves.  Amen.

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