Saturday, 10 July 2021


2 Chronicles 32:7 "Be strong and courageous! Don't be afraid or discouraged, because of the king of Assyria or his mighty army, for there is a power far greater on our side! v.8 He may have a great army, but they are merely men. We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!" Hezekiah's words greatly encouraged the people.

Got any battles going on at the minute? Well please be encouraged because God is speaking directly to us through this verse. It's a now Word and it's alive and active in our lives if we'll receive it.

1) God says to us 'Be strong and courageous'. In other words we have a choice, God is telling us  to make the decision with His help, to not bow to the temptation of feeling sorry for ourselves  because when we do have a pity party we seem to get weaker and weaker and none of us want that! I've heard Joyce Meyer say we can be pitiful or powerful but we can't be both! We have to decide to not be afraid or discouraged because we can call on God's strength and courage to face whatever it is, because....

2) God says  'there is a power far greater on our side!'  The Spirit of God Himself is in us and it's the hosts of Heaven's armies that are standing with us and for us. We are not alone battling away. Far from it! It's so good to be reminded that the power on our side is FAR GREATER! I find it can help to declare out loud "THE POWER ON MY SIDE IS FAR GREATER THAN MY ENEMY!!" Our part is to resist the enemy!

3) Lastly,God says  'We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!' Now, who is helping us? Is it some puny, helpless, powerless person? No! It's the King of Heaven, The Lord of Hosts and His angels, The Conqueror, The Overcomer who defeated and disarmed satan at the cross. Our God is the One Who can part the sea, the One Who holds the universe in place by His Word, the One Who raised Jesus out of Hell and from the dead! That is Who is helping us!

In view of all that, see the Lord, Strong and Mighty, standing with His sword drawn at your side, fighting this battle for you. Can you 'see' that with your faith eyes? I pray so because it's the truth. You have God's Word on it!

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