Monday, 26 July 2021


Ephesians 6:7 Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. v.8 Remember that the Lord will reward each one of us for the good we do, whether we are slaves or free.

We've all probably worked for someone at some point and felt unappreciated, underpaid, overlooked or just generally disgruntled? It can happen to anybody and it's a challenge, isn't it?

It may not even be in the workplace it can be in voluntary work and or within church that we can feel like the invisible person!  What about within the family sphere, mums can feel put upon feeling like they have too much to do and dad's do too.

When we know God is telling us to remain in that situation, what do we do then when we feel that way? Go and have a grump in the corner? The Apostle Paul tells us a better way. 

Bear in mind some of the people he was writing to were slaves so they were definitely feeling like going into the grumpy corner! He says keep on working at what you're doing but do it with enthusiasm because you're really doing it for the Lord Himself, not for anyone else at all.  If you do it out of love for Jesus, as though He was the person you're working for and answerable to, then you'll find you'll be able to do it with a glad heart, not a grumpy one. I can just imagine Jesus walking into the room where we are and Him saying "Would you do this ....for me please?" And we'd say "Of course I can, no problem I'd love to do it for you Jesus." 

We need to know He sees all our efforts. He knows when we've gone the extra mile,  He's seen the extra hours of going above and beyond,  or of doing the pack lunches when everyone else is watching TV, or when you're cleaning the house when all you want to do is go and read your book or watch your favourite programme.  God knows about it all and we're not invisible at all!

Paul goes on to say that the Lord will reward each one of us for working as though it's for Him personally, with the right attitude, for being grateful we can do all these things even, when there are multiple thousands bedridden or sick or unemployed who'd love to be able to do what we can do. It's sometimes a matter of perspective isn't it?

So as we begin this new week, do be encouraged to know whatever you have to do, the Lord appreciates you enormously and He'll reward you for it. Don't be disheartened but be thrilled to bits knowing you're not invisible at all but God sees all the good you're doing or have done and there's a reward stored up for you.

Cheer up and do it for Jesus.😊 Have a blessed week everyone.

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