Sunday, 18 July 2021


John 10:7 Then Jesus said to them again, "Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. v.9 I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture."

I expect where you live has a front door where people come and knock to be allowed inside. You decide who comes in and if they try coming in through the window you say, "Sorry, there's only one way in, it's through my front door." They might say "But I want to come in my way, I don't want to use your front door!" You say, "No you come this way or not at all. It's my house!"

God loves each one of us so much He has made the way for every person on the planet to go to live with Him in Heaven but God tells us in scripture, and as Christians, we believe there is only one way in, one front door. It's no good trying to climb in the window by good works because they wont get you in, good intentions wont work, belonging to a church isn't the way in, just because Grandma believed wont work either.

The only way in is through Jesus, believing He sacrificed His life, and shed His blood so our sins could be forgiven for each one of us and that He rose again from the dead. When we believe that, and confess Him as our Lord and Saviour then God opens His front door and guarantees our home in Heaven. He comes and lives inside us by His Holy Spirit. How wonderful is that! We have to open the front door of our heart and let Him in so He can open His front door and let us in. God so loves you and wants you.

We plan our holidays, plan our careers, plan events, but have you planned where you spend eternity? It's the most important plan and decision you will ever make and can I encourage you to not put it off?

Where do you plan spending eternity? Are you not sure? Have you opened the door of your heart to Jesus? If you want to be sure you're going to heaven please let me invite you to pray the prayer of salvation written on this blog and ask Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour today.

And for those of us who have already asked Jesus to be the Lord of our lives, then let's thank and praise Him afresh today for His great mercy and kindness to each one of us, for giving us Jesus and His righteousness, for opening Heaven's door to us and making it possible for us to belong to Him forever.

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