Thursday, 29 July 2021


Romans 8:32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

Wow! God wants to give us all things freely!  Freely means He's already paid for it. Yesterday we were reminded we can't earn God's grace and I thank God for that or we'd all fall short like the Israelites who were under Law!

God reminded us He doesn't heal us based on our performance or self-righteousness but only based on Jesus and His righteousness. He says to us "Come to the throne afresh and just freely receive from Me." We think 'Oh I can't do that. I've messed up, or I haven't read my bible enough, or prayed enough. I don't deserve it!'.....and that's really what I'm trying to explain.  None of us deserve it which is why God calls it His grace, His undeserved kindness which He extends to us 24/7. It is amazing.

Hebrews 4:16 Let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.

When do we need it most? When we need forgiveness, when we're sick or broken hearted, when we have lack in any area or we're needing wisdom, when we've messed up or when we are just worn out, in other words whenever we need anything! 

We don't come to God with what we've done for Him. We come to God with what He's done for us in Jesus.

2 Corinthians 12:9 "And He said to me, "My grace (undeserved kindness) is sufficient for you, for My strength (dunamis: mighty powerful work) is made perfect in weakness." 

When we're weak in any area God says if we'll come to Him to receive His undeserved grace then His miracle working power and strength will go to work and will be available to us, and it'll 'lift off' whatever is trying to overwhelm us

One of the lovely things about God's grace is that when we know we maybe haven't been doing too well in our Christian walk, when everything seems to have got on top of us or we feel like the rug has been pulled out from under us, that's when God's grace is our lifeline, our 'saving grace', that's when we can rejoice we don't have to have earned it to get it. Don't you think that's wonderful?   

Be encouraged His grace covers every circumstance in our lives and we never have to beg and plead or feel like we have to twist God's arm to get anything because He has already provided it through what Jesus did for us and He freely gives it to us.  He really couldn't have been any kinder or made it any simpler for us. 

We can just come to His throne today with a thankful heart and receive what He freely gives. It really is Good News.  Thank You Lord. Amen.                  

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