Saturday, 3 July 2021


2 Corinthians 1:19-20 For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us ... was not Yes and No, but in Him was Yes. v.20 For all the promises of God in Him are Yes and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.

Sometimes we have to read that a few times in order for it to really get down in our Spirit. It says ALL the promises of God in Him (Jesus) are Yes and Amen. 

Some people say that God sometimes says No, but that is contradicting God's Word if you have the promise of God on something! If you do have the promise of God then the answer is Yes! If you've asked for something which is not a promise of God then He is at liberty to say no, so we have to know if what we're asking for is based on a promise or not. I hope that makes sense! If you have the promise, you have the 'Yes'!

Imagine a packet of seeds with me and on the front is a picture of juicy red tomatoes and you know if you plant those seeds in the right compost and water them properly they will in time produce the same red juicy tomatoes for you to enjoy. 

A promise of God is a 'picture' that God wants us to have of our possibilities of what we can have and do in Jesus. We have to 'see' the picture first. He wants us to 'see' ourselves healthy and well, or whatever the promise might be. How do you 'see' yourself today? If it doesn't tie in with the promise ask God to help you 'see' yourself like the promise says first. In other words, get a vision for it, get the 'picture' you're believing for.

Jesus has bought and paid for every promise of God with His own life blood - He has shown you the seed packet - the promises in His Word - now our part is to take the packets which are the promises, plant them in the good soil of our hearts, and water them constantly with the water of God's word.  In due season we will reap the harvest of the promises manifesting in our lives. 

Very often we take a promise, start to believe it. then if our symptoms persist, we dig it up every five minutes and think it's not happening and we all know seeds will die if you do that to them. 

For instance, we take the promise 'by His stripes you are healed' (1 Peter 2:24). We say 'Yes, Amen thank you Jesus'. Then we look to our bodies (we dig up the seed) to see if we feel any better. If we don't see it manifest we think it's not working so we throw the packet of seeds away! We forgot the picture we 'saw' and forgot to water the promise with the Word of God, thanksgiving, and praise every day. When it's instantaneous that's great, but sometimes we have to wait and water!

Can I encourage each one of us to go back to the promise of God you were standing on and get it out again, look at the picture it portrays of you and for you, and start believing it again, 'see'  yourself that way, plant it in your heart again in faith and water it every day with the Word and thanksgiving, don't let go of it but believe God for the harvest. Amen.

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