Wednesday, 28 July 2021


Romans 3:24 Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty of our sins. (Nlt). The New Kings James version calls it "being justified freely by His grace ..."

God's undeserved kindness = God's grace.

We all know we didn't deserve to be forgiven for our sins, it was God's great undeserved kindness that made it possible. When we remember the penalty for our sin is death we appreciate it even more!   Even if we think we're not a bad person or as bad as so and so, no amount of self justification can free us from that penalty. It's only by God's great grace, His undeserved kindness we can be set free because God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin and then declared us to now be righteous. (v.25)

So God's grace deals with our sin but what about sickness? Have you ever thought "they're such good people, good Christians, why did they get sick, why did they die and yet this awful person received their healing. That doesn't seem fair?"  

What we've sometimes misunderstood is that all of us can receive all of God's grace and kindness for all of our problems but it's not based on whether we've been a good person or if we've done lots of good works, or worked in the church forever.

Whatever we receive from God we receive through what Jesus did for us at the cross. We none of us deserve anything. If we come with the "You owe it to us God" attitude "because I'm this or that", then we've  misunderstood His grace - His undeserved kindness.  If we think we deserve it, then it's no longer by grace, we're trying to earn it. 

Whatever we receive from God it's by His undeserved kindness. We can't earn Browny points or say "Right God you should heal this person because they've done so much for You." No! that's the Old Covenant under the Law. (Do please read Galations 3:1-5)

Instead we come to the throne of grace - God's undeserved kindness - and say Lord I thank You Jesus bore all my sin, sickness and diseases for me at the cross. (Isaiah 53:4-5) I didn't deserve it, but I believe it, and receive my healing now, just like I received my undeserved forgiveness for my sins. 

I think we get confused and think well I got saved by God's grace now I have to get from God by how well I perform and by 'doing' the right thing. No, we get saved by His grace and we continue to live by the grace of God through faith.  By all means keep doing the right thing but do it out of a love and gratitude to God for His mercy and kindness, not to earn His blessings. He gives us those freely.

 Hope you can tune in again tomorrow as we dig a bit more into God's kindness.😊

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