Monday, 12 July 2021


Philippians 2:9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, v.10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, v.11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the  glory of God the Father.

We're told to bow to the Name of Jesus and we want to if we belong to God. We honour that Name above all names.

So what does the Name of Jesus represent? It represents Who He is - all of who He is.

The name of Jesus represents God's Goodness, His Love, Joy, Peace, Holiness, His Wholeness, Health and Soundness of Mind and Body. His Name represents God's Prosperity and Provision, His wonderful Protection and Great Grace and Mercy and so much more besides - everything that is God!  So when we bow to the Name of Jesus we are bowing and submitting to all of the above 'in Jesus' to be 'in us'.

1 Peter 5:6 says to humble ourselves under the might hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time. So when we're bowing to the Name of Jesus we're submitting to all it represents, we're humbling ourselves before God and saying we gladly receive what Jesus has for us, we take it and we resist anything which opposes it.

So have you maybe heard or read a report that is bad or depressing? Then in light of what our verse says we're not to submit to that, instead we're to submit and bow to the Name of Jesus and His report, His Word and declare by faith....

"I'm not going to bow to that bad report but I am going to bow to the Mighty Name of Jesus and Him only, and I receive His report of what I am and have in Jesus - His Health and Healing, His Wholeness, His Prosperity, Grace, Joy and Peace, His Deliverance and Salvation. I refuse to bow to depression or lack, I refuse to bow to arthritis or any other disease. No! I tell them to bow the knee to the Name of Jesus and get out. I am not a victim of anything. No! I am a Victor in Jesus. I am more than a Conqueror through Christ who loved me. As He is, so am I in this world!" (John 4:17 Nkjv)

Glory to His Name! We have something to shout about, so today and this coming week let's only bow to the Name of Jesus and what it represents and tell everything else to bow to it too. 

Have a great week in the Mighty Name of Jesus! 😊

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