Wednesday, 21 July 2021


Isaiah 42:16  I will lead blind Israel down a new path, guiding them along an unfamiliar way. I will brighten the darkness before them and smooth out the road ahead of them. Yes, I will indeed do these things; I will not forsake them.

The Lord seems to be on a theme the past couple of days and it's all about His leading and guiding. 

Yesterday was an instruction, today is a promise to lay hold of to help us obey His instruction, so to make it easier to remember I just wrote out the things He said He would do like a list.

1.  He will lead us down a new path.

2.  He will guide us along an unfamiliar way.

3. He will brighten our darkness.

4. He will smooth out the road ahead of us.

5. He will not abandon us.

God obviously has a planned route He wants us to follow but goes on to say it might be on  roads we don't know too well, they'll probably be unfamiliar to us which is ok as long as we keep our Sat Nav tuned in to Him and don't turn off down any road we feel like! It's like He's saying don't get stressed out if I take you somewhere you never thought of before, or didn't know about!

I used to travel to work on the back lanes of  Devon which twist and turn, get really narrow, and are very tricky to negotiate sometimes. But God is saying here that He's making sure the path is smoothed out for us and whatever plans the enemy had for it to be all messed up and twisted God has said "No, no, you're not doing that to My people. I'm getting rid of the crooked bends you've made and I'm making their way straight forward to negotiate." 

God is always way ahead of us and never taken by surprise when circumstances suddenly change, and whatever the situation, He promises to brighten the darkness. So be encouraged, whatever the darkness you might be in the middle of, you can know God is already working on removing it and He's shedding light on the way ahead.

Proverbs 4:18 The way of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until the full light of day. 

If you're born again, God says He has made you righteous through Jesus so this verse is for you and me. So even though you've only got a the first rays of light shining at the minute, God has promised full on light is following, like the noonday sun! Things are going to get brighter and brighter for the righteous. Even if things don't look brilliant at the minute keep trusting God and let's believe His promise to us and keep our expectations up.

God is encouraging us again today, to keep moving forward, knowing He's way ahead of us sorting it all out already, and He's also promised not to forsake us when we're only half way there!😊 Thank You Lord.

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