Tuesday, 6 July 2021


Psalm 68:19  Blessed be the Lord who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation. Selah. (New King James Version)

We know God knows how many hairs are on our heads, and we know we're worth more than the sparrows, but did you know He's even bothered about the silly things that bother us, even our toilets!?  Do I hear you say "No way!"?

If something bothers you and concerns you then it is of concern to our loving God because He cares about us.

For instance (please bear with me on this) I've been trying to remove limescale stains on our toilets forever. When we moved into the house they were stained and I just have tried everything and had finally decided to get in a plumber and replace them which would be pretty expensive.  I happened to notice an advert for a limescale cleaner last week and so went on line to investigate and found something totally different but with great reviews. I thought this is my last try! Well we bought the product, prayed over the jolly toilets, and Wow, it actually did the job and is so successful we no longer need new toilets or a plumber with his big bill! Now that may not mean much to you but it was a major event for me!!

Scripture tells us part of our purpose on earth is to give glory to God so I just wanted to share that testimony of how wonderful our God is because I truly had a 'benefits of God' day. Probably for you it will be something much more interesting but for me it meant a lot!!

So I just wanted to say  "Thank You Lord for all your goodness to us" and to encourage us all to keep looking to the Lord to 'save us' from our burdens, even from big plumber's bills and to bless us with unexpected benefits and blessings over and above.😊 That same day God blessed us with a lovely cabinet we'd been needing and a free blanket! He really did 'load us with benefits' which is the favour of God we all walk in.

Now here is our same verse in two other translations and they all say 'daily' or 'day by day' which is wonderful:

Psalm 68:19 Blessed be the Lord, Who bears our burdens and carries us day by day, even the God Who is our salvation! Selah (pause, and calmly think of that.) (Amplified Bible)

Psalm 68:19 What a glorious God! He gives us salvation over and over, then daily He carries our burdens! (The Passion Translation)

Don't you just love that - it says What a glorious God!  And we have a 'daily' God.

So have a blessed, burdens carried by God, loaded with benefits day, every day and throughout the week.

(And when you have a 'loaded with benefits' day, please share it with someone so God gets the glory.)😊

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