Monday 3 June 2024


Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Now we all know it’s important to be prepared and organised when we can be, but if I’m not careful I can get caught up in what I have to prepare and do for tomorrow or next week. Either that, or I keep thinking about the mistakes I made yesterday and forget to enjoy today! Maybe you do the same thing? But the Psalmist reminds us that God has given us today and he decided he was going to rejoice and be glad in it, focus on it, and receive whatever God had for Him in it.😊

That’s a wise and great way to live. It means we can enjoy the moment we’re in right now. If we have a roof over our heads, food on the table, family and friends to share life with, they are things that we can rejoice about every day, along with waking up to running hot water and flushing toilets! Let’s rejoice and be glad in it all!😊

Yes, there may well be lots more things we do need, but if we remember the currency of heaven is faith, then we can go to the throne of grace with confidence and release our faith so God can release all the good things He has stored up for us with our name on them.

We can relax in today knowing our mistakes of yesterday are under the blood of Jesus, and it’s God who holds our tomorrows, not the government, or the doctor’s report or the state of our finances. God is far above all of them and he’s seated us next to Him. What’s more, He has things He wants to deposit in our lives today. Aren’t you glad about that?😊

God wants us to look beyond our struggles and our problems, to stop dwelling on the negatives. Instead focus on all the good we have right now, hold on to His promises and thank Him for answering our prayers.

As we step into another week we can know for sure that as we release our faith today God is also releasing His favour, His strength, His joy and peace, in fact, anything that you have need of today God has a rich supply of, so let’s enjoy and make the most of today!😊 Amen.

Have a blessed week.

Photo by Kaja Kadlecova on Unsplash

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