Monday 17 June 2024


Psalm 62:11-12 (NCV) God has said this, and I have heard it over and over: God is strong. The Lord is loving…..

I wonder have you ever wanted somebody in your life who is strong but not overbearing, someone who is loving, and you know you can go to them any time of day and night and they won’t turn you away? Well our God is that Someone and He wants to be strong and loving on your behalf today.😊

There are times when we’ve come to the end of our tether when we want someone to take over and lift the burdens off us, to give us a break. But God doesn’t want us to get so distressed that we feel we have to be desperate before we come to Him, as a last resort. Quite the opposite. He wants us to come to Him in faith as soon as a problem raises its head, as soon as the pain begins, as soon as we see the situation escalating.

You see, God is interested in every single thing in our lives and He is merciful but also so generous in Spirit towards us. He wants to be involved in every sphere of our lives, for us to be willing to look to Him first before anybody else, to remember you woke up to His new mercies this morning and He has grace for every trial.

The trouble is we can be so fiercely independent and we wait till it’s become a mountain before we ask the Lord for His help. Can I encourage each one of us, as we begin the week with the Lord, to remember He is El Shaddai, the all Sufficient One. The One who knows the end from the beginning and everything in between and He has all the answers to every situation we’ll face this week.

Lord we invite you to be strong and loving in our lives. Help us to remember that we are safe in Your hands and that You care about us so much, to look to you for whatever it is we have to do and allow You to be who You want to be in our walk with You. In Jesus name. Amen.

Photo: Nicole Wilcox

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