Wednesday 5 June 2024


Psalm 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. 

When I do any hand sewing there’s always a point when I have to put my thread through the eye of the needle and sometimes it’s quite a challenge! It’s such a squeeze and I struggle to do it.😊

Life can be a bit like that too, when we face challenges that seem to squeeze the life out of us. When it seems impossible to not only go through but come out the other side. It can feel like we’ve set up camp in the valley and can’t find the pathway out the other side!

And yet God has promised to bring us through! It may not be easy, it may well be uncomfortable and it can feel like it’s going on for ever but our God is faithful to His word and He will go through it with us every step of the way and still be holding our hand when we reach the other side of the trial.

Our verse reminds us that even when we go through the shadow of the valley of death, when everything seems to be thick fog, even in those traumatic times His Holy Spirit, His Word, His promises will hold us steady when we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can testify to that.😊 

God never leaves us for a second, even when we can’t feel, touch or hear Him, nevertheless He is right there in the midst of it all.

So take heart today, no matter what it is you’re facing and going through, because God has made you an overcomer through Jesus, even though you may not feel like it. You have the faith of God inside you, and God is alert and active watching over His word to perform it in your life. 

Don’t just hang in there, but believe you’re coming out, see yourself on the other side by faith and start praising God for it, that’s what faith is and does. It might be sooner than you think, get your hopes up because faith is the substance of things hoped for, because God is not just bringing you through, but He is bringing you out. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Refs: 1 John 5:4, Jeremiah 1:12(Amp)Hebrews 13:5, Hebrews 11:1.

Photo: Unsplash

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