Sunday 9 June 2024


Psalm 57:711(NLT
My heart is confident in you O God; my heart is confident. 
No wonder I can sing your praises! 
Wake up my heart! Wake up, O lyre and harp! 
I will wake the dawn with my song. 
I will thank you, Lord, among all the people. 
I will sing your praises among the nations. 
For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens. 
Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. 
Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. 
May your glory shine over all the earth.

David was writing those words while he was hiding in a cave, fearing for his life because King Saul was after him. David had learned that God was worthy of his trust and his praise regardless of what dire circumstances he was going through. He knew praising His God would drive the fear from his heart and help his confidence to remain strong.

Could you do with some of that today? If so let’s focus on our God and remind ourselves He is always to be trusted, and our confidence is in the right place if we’ve placed it in Him. 

Sometimes we make the mistake of putting our confidence in people or doctors or organisations and when they let us down we feel disappointed. But when we put our confidence in God alone, then we will never be disappointed. His unfailing love is as high as the heavens, His faithfulness to us reaches to the clouds.

The past few days there has been a blackbird waking up and singing his little heart out, outside the bedroom window at 4.00 a.m.! 
I think David must have had one outside his cave as well and he thought, if the blackbird can praise at dawn, so can I! 😊

So how about us? Can we wake up the dawn, or whenever we do wake up, not just this morning but every morning, with praises in our hearts and in our mouths? Praises to the King of Kings, our Deliverer, our Healer, the Restorer of our souls, to the One who calls us precious in His sight, to the One who bled and died and rose again just for us. 
Let’s sing our hearts out and praise Him today. In Jesus name. Amen.

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

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