Friday 28 June 2024


Proverbs 4:20-22 My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.

We were standing at a checkout last week waiting to be served when we noticed the Lottery prize was at 158 million pounds! For those people who do the lottery each week it would probably seem like a major miracle to them if they won it!

But God reminded me the other day that we all have miracles in our mouths if we would only recognise it. What did He mean? Well we know that there is enormous power in our words and they can either be words of faith which will bring about all God has already provided for us, or they will produce fear and doubt which will push away what we’re believing for, and draw the negative things to us instead.

The things we declare over our own lives, which we believe in our hearts are like prophecies we are making about our own futures. What we are saying now, will produce fruit in our lives in the years to come, one way or the other which is quite a thought!

For example, when we declare that ‘My God shall provide all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus’ and really believe it, then we are releasing the power inherent in the word of God into our lives to produce it. God’s word is alive and active and God says He is eager to perform it but it has to be coming out of our mouths, not only in our hearts. It’s one of God’s spiritual laws and we do well to do as He says.😊

There are miracles of healing in our own mouths when we come into agreement with God’s word which says ‘By Jesus wounds we are healed’ (1Peter 2:24) It can be so tempting to say how we feel and what we see, above what we know God has said in His word. Our verse says His words bring life and healing to our whole bodies. When we speak His words we’re prophesying them into our lives, into our futures.

God has given each one of us the ability to declare His Word, and the miracles we need really can be in our own mouths if we’ll only speak what God says about our circumstances and not what we see or feel.😊Amen.

Photo: Irene Strong at unsplash

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