Thursday 13 June 2024


John 14:27(NKJV) Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nether let it be afraid.

We all have those days when things seem to gang up against us - the washing machine breaks down, the car gets a flat tyre, somebody is moaning at us and we feel like we want to go back to bed! 

When that happens, or when something crops up and takes us by surprise and we find ourselves saying, “What am I going to do?”, it’s a good opportunity to turn it round and say “God I need Your help. Show me what to do. ThankYou for Your peace in the middle of it all.”

When we do that we’re using our faith, remembering we’re not alone and that we have the Holy Spirit as our Helper. He is our ‘Go To’ Person. He’ll show us who to contact, where to go, what to do, but He won’t get involved unless we invite Him to. He waits to be asked.

God has answers to all our problems long before we have them knocking on our door, so let’s go to Him first before we go to anyone else. It’s better than texting 20 different people and having conflicting answers!😊 He is our Problem Solver living on the inside of us, and His way may not be our way of dealing with it, but it will be the best way.

So next time you find yourself getting anxious, thinking “What am I going to do?”, just remember to answer your own question and say “I know, I’m going to ask the Holy Spirit to show me what to do and I’m not going to let myself get in a worry about.”

The more we practice doing that the more we’ll experience His peace keeping us calm in those storms that come out of nowhere, helping us to not be anxious, troubled or afraid. Thank You Lord. Amen.

Photo: Denny Muller at Unsplash

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