Wednesday 26 June 2024


Psalm 23:5 (NLT) You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.

I love laying up the table with a buffet tea for the family, where there’s a whole variety of things to choose from, and you can keep coming back for ‘something else’ or ‘some more’.😊

God says He too has prepared a table for us to come to, and it is a veritable feast, way beyond anything we’ll find anywhere else. Interestingly though, He says it’s laid up for us in the presence of our enemies, not in the sweet by and by, but for the messy here and now. There will be no enemies in Heaven!

If you have some enemies at the minute, scripture reminds us that people are not our enemies but the principalities and powers behind them are. So whether people are coming against you at work, at home or in your friendships, or it may be enemies of sickness and disease, or pain, or enemies of financial lack, it’s all coming from our enemy who Jesus said comes to steal, kill and destroy.(John 10:10)

So whatever our enemies are, God invites us to come to His table because we’re family. He says He’s made a feast of good things available to us at His table, whatever we need, to take it by faith. And don’t forget He anoints us with the oil of protection, provision and blessing. He wants our cup to overflow! He wants us to come expecting good things and to know His goodness and mercy are chasing us down and overtaking us as well.😊

Maybe you haven’t been to His feast just lately and forgotten it’s all there for you to take and enjoy. Jesus qualified you to sit at the Father’s table, so don’t hesitate to come and partake. Perhaps you need to take your healing, to take two new lungs or kidneys, or a new job opportunity, or money for a home? But it’s like at my buffet table, we have to reach out and take it so we can eat it. It’s no good just looking at it!

Having a feast usually implies a time of celebration. That’s how God wants us to see His spread table, as something to celebrate, because He wants us to take from it everything we need today. What a wonderful Father we have. Amen.😊

Photo: Rebecca at Unsplash

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