Saturday 29 June 2024


Psalm 59:16 But as for me, I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love. For you have been my refuge, a place of safety when I am in distress.

At four o’clock in the morning, if you put your head out of your window, you will hear all the birds singing their little hearts out with their dawn chorus. Bird experts tell us it’s that period of time, when it’s still cool before the insects come out, and the birds take the opportunity to sing before they have to go and find their food. I didn’t know that!😊

It reminds me that we have the opportunity at the beginning of every day to sing our hearts out with joy in praise to God too, to thank Him in advance for providing all our needs for later that day when we go out to do whatever we have to do. We can thank Him for all His goodness to us in the past, knowing His goodness and mercy will be in hot pursuit of us today as well as in our future, that His favour is on us because we are His much loved children, because of Jesus.😊

Here in the UK, the blackbird is the first to start off the singing in the morning and wouldn’t it be good in our household, if we were the ones to start it off each day with a lovely atmosphere, with praises to our God?  We could begin our day on the right footing by putting Him first place, remembering we’re held in His loving hands, and He has given His angels charge over us to keep us safe. We can praise Him because He is going ahead of us into every circumstance, making our crooked paths straight, arming us with strength for every battle, and that He has given us His victory.

Psalm 92:2 It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening. So whatever time of day it is you’re reading this, why not give God a song of praise anyway?😊 We can start the day with His praises and end the day in the same way because our God is worthy of all our praise. In Jesus name. Amen.

Have a truly blessed weekend.x

Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

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