Wednesday, 31 January 2024


1 Peter 5:7 (NLT) Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

I wonder if you have a tendency to be a worrywart?  If so I’m here to remind us all God is bigger than whatever we’re facing in our lives, no matter how big it is, that He is ordering our steps and we’re safe in His hands.🙂

God never intended for us to worry ourselves silly, but He wants us to cast all those cares over on to Him, to release them into His hands so He can fill us up afresh and make our cup overflow with the good things we’ll need today.(Psalm 23:5 …My cup runs over.

Imagine your soul is an empty water jug at the start of your day but negative things happen that fill it up. When we spill juice down our clothes, that exasperation goes in our jug. Then the bad traffic pours irritation in, on the way to work or school. Fear begins to trickle in as we think we’ll be late for our appointment, and by now we’re more than half full with negative emotions. Before you know it someone jumps into our space in the car park and we get more frustrated. Then someone rings us up and pours their complaints all over us, or offends or hurts us. It’s the final straw and our jug is now overflowing with angst, worry, frustration, discouragement and probably some resentment as well.

All the while the Holy Spirit has been trying to release His peace into our situation but there was no room for it. He was wanting to give us His joy, but all the frustrations of the day have plugged up the pipes so it can’t flow. Do you get the picture? 

It’s then we need to know we can come to the Lord and pour out our jug of stinky water and give it all to Him. We can release all those cares and fears, the depression or discouragement, and allow Him to pour the refreshing water of His love back into our jug along with His peace and joy, let His perspective flow in, and fill our thoughts with His thoughts. Or better yet, release them to Him as they happen so they don’t clog up the pipes of His blessing throughout the day in the first place.🙂

We don’t have to keep on carrying it all, but it is our choice! God won’t force us to let it all go but He does want us to. Do you think it’s maybe time to press the release button and let it all flow out where it can’t harm us anymore and let the goodness of God pour back in once again?🙂

Lord help us cast all our cares on to You and not take them back again. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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