Saturday, 27 January 2024


1 Corinthians 12:22 All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.

The other day I was needed to sew up the hems of curtains at my daughter’s house and had a lovely time. She had done all the hard work of measuring and pinning, my job was to sew them into place. They all came together well so everyone is pleased.🙂

It made me think of how we all have our part to play in life as Christians. Paul explains how the body of Christ is made up of individual people but we all have different roles to fill. Some of us are encouragers, some are helpers, some have an up front role while others are behind the scenes.

What he does emphasise in this chapter, is that we are all needed, no matter where we fit in the big picture, and when we’re not there then there is a big hole that no one else can fill. It’s a bit like each one of us is a piece of God’s jigsaw and when we’re not in our place there’s a hole, there’s a piece missing! We’re all a very necessary part of something bigger than ourselves and we’re all meant to fit in somewhere, where we can engage with God together.🙂

The good news is, each one of us is so needed! God has given all of us the ability to do certain things that will help one another and build up His church so we need never think it doesn’t matter if we’re not there. We all matter to God, and we all have a part to play even if it’s to smile at someone and make them feel you’re glad they’re there. 

So God is reminding us that we’re all part of Christ’s body. He wants us to meet together and even if you’ve been out of it for years, now would be a good time to start again, let Him show you where you fit in, and let Him bless you and be a blessing at the same time.🙂 

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