Wednesday, 17 January 2024


Romans 8:6  So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.

I read this yesterday “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” Sounds good, but not always easy, is it?

Have you ever seen the film “Singing In The Rain’? I like the bit where Gene Kelly sings and dances in the pouring rain with his umbrella, it was so upbeat. You can watch it here in a minute if you like.🙂

The thing is, some days the grumpy me doesn’t feel like singing in the rain! The grumpy me wants to grumble! But then some days I can rise above my day being rained on, and I sing anyway.🙂

Perhaps you’re the same? It’s all about allowing the Spirit to control our minds which is life and peace, or being led by the flesh, our human nature, which is the opposite! Where our mind goes, will affect our attitudes and emotions as well. We all know we need to stay in tune with the Holy Spirit more so He can help us rise above the disappointments, the sickness or tiredness or whatever is causing the miserables.

So I’m here today to see if I can encourage us all to sing anyway, whether it’s raining in our lives or not! Scripture says to put on the the spirit of praise for the spirit of heaviness to drive it out, and God always knows what He’s talking about.🙂 Isaiah 61:3 To give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;…

Our God is always worthy of our praise, He’s always good to us, He’s always faithful and His love endures forever. So let’s praise Him for those things and ask the Holy Spirit to help us not dwell on the grumblies any more, but to rise above them - to learn to sing and maybe even dance in the rain.🙂 Amen.

Feel free to add a link to any praise song suggestions in the ‘Comments’ which we can all join in with if you like.🙂

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