Saturday, 13 January 2024


1 Peter 2:24 who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness - by whose stripes you were healed.

No matter what colour our skin, or where we live in the world, we all share the same human condition. There are days when we all find it harder to get up in the morning than others, those days we just want to curl up and go back to sleep!🙂

God knows us all so well and Jesus shared our humanity so He understands what makes us tick, He understands our highs and our lows, He knew what it was like to be tired and hungry. When He went to the Cross He had all our sinful condition put on Him, so He felt and took all our failures and mistakes, our sins, our guilt and shame, even our sicknesses and diseases. It says He carried it all in His own body on the tree. Why am I saying all that? 

It’s because God wants to remind us today that He understands us, and He gave us Jesus to take away the sin, the guilt, the heaviness, any sense of failure, or whatever weighs us down in our spirits, because Jesus died so we could be free of it all. Galatians 5:1(NLT) So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, …

God wants us to remember why Jesus came, why we’re believing in His redeeming power to save us from the kingdom of darkness, that He has translated us out of it and put us in His own Kingdom, the Kingdom of His dear Son.(Colossians 1:13) Do we sometimes forget?🙂

If you didn’t feel like getting up this morning, take heart, because Jesus has made it possible to get up with a lightness in our spirits, to cast all our cares onto His Father and to know His love will never fail us, no matter what. 

He came to fill your heart with His joy and peace today so just receive it all by faith. Don’t find reasons why you can’t, but just surrender to Him and let Him fill you with His grace and wellbeing today. Can you say Amen? I’ll say it with you. Amen, Thank You Lord.🙂

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