Friday, 5 January 2024


Genesis 1:31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good….

I was watching the early morning sky yesterday as it changed colour and at one point it was the shade of the feathers on a dove’s breast, such soft colours of pinks, greys and lavender all mingled in. Then it turned to golden light and it made me wish I was an artist. But our God is the ultimate artist. Every single day He paints us a new sky, a new sunrise and sunset, and they’re always different. God is never boring!

Whatever God makes He says it’s good and just as God paints the skies, He also paints our lives with His goodness. Every morning He wakes us up to new mercies, fresh grace for the coming day. We have never walked this day before but that’s ok because He’s walking it with us. 

Every morning when we ask Him for His grace He promises to provide all we shall need for that day, whether it’s enough strength, greater wisdom, more love for others, or whatever we’re going to need to walk in victory and success, it will be available to us through His grace. All we have to do is ask. What a wonderful thought.😊

When a skilled artist paints in oils, sometimes all you can see are what looks like splodges of colour, until you stand back and see it when it’s complete - a masterpiece. Next time you look up at the sky, remember God is painting the story of your life, one day at a time, and sometimes it may look and feel like ‘splodges’ that don’t seem to make any sense, but as you keep your eyes on Him it will be a glorious painting by the time He’s finished, because God already sees you as His masterpiece. He says He’s bringing each one of us from one degree of glory to another.😊

Philippians 1:6 (Nkjv) being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;

Thank You Lord. Amen.

(Photo by Olga Subach on Unsplash)

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