Sunday, 28 January 2024


2 Corinthians 10:4-5 
since the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, 
but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. 
We demolish arguments and every proud thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God,
 and we take every thought captive to obey Christ.

Do you ever have days when the enemy really tries to mess you up, putting thoughts in your head about how you’ve failed in some area, or offended someone unintentionally? He just tries to make you feel so bad! If anyone identifies with that, you have probably felt miserable too.

So what do we do? In my case I said sorry, and as it happened, they said it wasn’t a problem at all! In other words the enemy had just been playing mind games with me, making me imagine there was a problem where there was none, giving me thoughts that weren’t true! 

The important thing was, I brought it out into the open and when I did, I discovered there was no truth in what I’d been thinking they were thinking!🙂 And even if there had been, we can ask the Lord to forgive us. When we keep things locked up inside, the enemy can keep his hold on our minds, but when we bring things out in the open, the enemy loses his grip and his tricks and lies are exposed for what they are. Why worry and stew over something that’s not actually true anyway!?

When Jesus went to the Cross He took all our failings, all our insecurities, all our griefs and sorrows, all our fears, our broken hearts, all the times when we’ve missed it, and all our guilt and shame. 

He took it all upon Himself, all of it, and in exchange He gave us His righteousness, His right standing with His Father, so we can come with confidence into God’s presence and receive His mercy, His peace, and His wonderful grace; and most of all we receive His great love for us, day or night.

We demolish the enemy’s thoughts with the truth that God accepts us because He has already made us righteous through Jesus.

I tell you what, when you really dwell on that for a little while, it makes you want to say ‘Thank You Lord’ once again. So whether you can get to church today or not, why not spend a few moments remembering how good to us the Lord has been, and is, and let’s join our praises together across the world to exalt our wonderful Saviour, the Lord Jesus. Amen.

Psalm 106:1 Praise the Lord! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!

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