Tuesday, 30 January 2024


Ephesians 2:19 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

God gives us all opportunities to become involved with His kingdom, or to fulfil His plans and purposes for all of us as individuals, plans He has had organised since before we were even born. He doesn’t force us to do them because He gives us a free choice, but He does ask something of us all. He asks for a willing heart.

Perhaps you feel like God is asking you to do something you don’t feel qualified to do, or is it that it seems too daunting? It may be taking on a new position or moving house, or something out of our comfort zone.🙂 

As I thought about that the Lord reminded me that whatever He asks of us He will not only anoint us to do it, but He will equip us with everything we need to be successful in it. In other words it’s not all up to us, which should make us feel a lot better! How about you? Are you holding back because of fear that you might fail or not have what it takes, that you’re too old, or too young, or not enough money? 

If so, God reminds us in Deuteronomy 28:8 that everything you set your hand to do will be successful. In other words whatever God commissions us with, we know if we’ll stick with it, it will prosper. Things don’t always come together straight away. In fact, I’ve found they can take quite a while, but God gives us the endurance to hang in there till the success and prospering bit appears! So don’t give up!🙂

So may I encourage us all to step out in faith and just take the next step, and leave the rest with the Lord to direct how it goes from there. We don’t need the whole plan, He has that all sorted. All we need is a willing and obedient heart. God may have something very exciting up ahead but till we take that first step we shall never know.🙂

Isaiah 1:19 If you are willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land.

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