Monday, 1 January 2024


Psalm 77:13 (NET) O God, your deeds are extraordinary! What god can compare to our great God? 

I heard someone say the other day “We haven’t been called to fit in. God’s called us to stand out. He’s called us to step into the extraordinary.” I found that very challenging and exciting all at the same time!

None of us is too old or too young to step into God’s extraordinary. Samuel was only 12 years old when God called him into the ministry. Moses was 80 years old when he began the most extraordinary adventure of his life to lead a nation. Mary was called as a young teenager to give birth to the Son of God which no one else had ever been asked to do. Extraordinary! Age doesn’t come into it.😊

Maybe your life looks very ordinary, but it’s God who adds the extra to our ordinary. He is giving each one of us the opportunity to step into an extraordinary year with Him and fulfil what He has placed on the inside of us. 

All those people mentioned could have said “No, not me God, I can’t do it. I’m not qualified, I have no experience, no influence, no contacts, not enough money.” But they all said “Yes” despite their short comings or past mistakes or inexperience, and they all did what God called them to do. They entered into the realm of God’s extraordinary!

So let’s believe God to do extraordinary things in our lives, believe we will see His goodness, His promises unfold as we trust Him. He has an extraordinary year for us and we know, whatever challenges we face, our God is on our side and He gives us the victory.  

Lord help us to add our “Yes” to Your plan and purposes and walk into Your extraordinary, and into the extraordinary blessings You have already prepared for us. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

God bless you mightily in this new year.😊 

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