Saturday, 6 January 2024


Isaiah 43:4 …because you are precious to me. You are honored, and I love you. 

God has a message for each one of us today. It’s to say “You matter”. Most importantly you matter to Him, but you also matter to your family, to your friends and even to those you may never know.

God put us on earth at this moment in time for a reason and He has a purpose for each one of us. It may, or may not be dramatic, but your words, your smile, your kindness, your God given ability, your influence, will affect someone on any given day. It will be that you make a difference which has a good ripple effect on to others, and you may never even realise it, but you matter.😊

So often the devil tries to make us think it wouldn’t matter whether we’re here or not. But your presence, your prayers are far more important than you will ever know this side of eternity. Listen, you make a difference!  If you’ve ever watched the film “It’s a Wonderful Life” it gets that message across loud and clear. When we’re not around there is a ‘You’ sized hole that no one else can fill. You are the only one with your set of skills, your insights, your life experiences, and God needs you to be in a certain place at any given moment for His purposes, maybe for someone else. You matter!

For instance, if I hear that my Blog has helped someone, that matters to me so much and it encourages me to carry on writing. A person here, a person there. You matter to me! You lift me up just by reading it.😊

Wherever you are, whatever you have to do today, remember that you matter so much to God because He loves you dearly. You are of great value to Him. You matter to the rest of the world because God has placed Himself in you, His heart in yours and He needs you to be there to share it with someone else. Every day we have the opportunity to build someone up, or to listen, or just be there for them. It may be on any day, but it may also be ten years from now. 

So keep trusting, keep believing God has equipped you and anointed you to be the best you, you can be, because He says you are precious to Him and He loves you.

You matter more than you will ever know by just being there!😊 Thank You Lord.

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