Thursday, 18 January 2024


Psalm 23:2-6 He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths… You are close beside me; Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me….my cup overflows with blessings.

All through this psalm David is reminding himself how the Lord leads him along the way and He strengthens Him when he’s worn out. If we’ve been feeling a bit worn out lately, God just wants to remind us that we have the same Good Shepherd who is leading and strengthening us as well today.

There are times when the pathway He leads us on is peaceful and restful which we all enjoy, but there are also times when, like David, we’re led into battle. God reassures us though, when He tells us He always leads us in triumph. 2 Cor. 2:14 But thanks be unto God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ… In other words if we have to go into battle He tells us He intends for us to win. God never leads us in defeat, only in victory and He even says He will fight the battle for us when we trust Him.(Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.)

We may not think it looks like we’re winning, but that’s because we’re only half way through the battle, there are still pieces of our jigsaw to be fitted in to see the completed picture. It’s at those times we have to trust Him to lead us along the right paths (v.3) and know He is so close beside us to protect and comfort us, (v.4) and He intends us to win and be blessed.(v.5)

Jesus is still our Good Shepherd, He knows the end from the beginning and His plans are for our good, so let’s decide to enjoy the journey and see where He leads us next, knowing, like David, that His goodness and mercy are following us all the days of our lives, He’s leading us into victory, and He loves us deeply. Thank You Lord. Amen.🙂

(Photo courtesy of Wendy Girling)


  1. So so true and we all need to keep focused on Him and Trust His Promises because they are still for us fresh every day and He Never fails us, keep our eyes on Jesus and keep Him in our hearts and minds and let Him Guide us along that Path of Righteousness, praise and thank you Lord God.

  2. Amen thank you.🙂
