Thursday, 1 February 2024


Psalm 37:23-24 (NLT) The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.

Isn’t it strange how you don’t feel motivated to do anything very much for ages and all of a sudden you want to do everything at once! In my case it came through taking one step which snowballed into having to do lots of other things. Let me explain.

We decided, after five years of thinking about it, that we needed a new lounge carpet as it was looking very sad and then realised another one needed renewing as well. So having made the decision to replace them, we were told they would be fitted next Saturday! Wow it was happening really quickly so we started taking the old carpets up in order to be ready and realised all the paintwork needed painting beforehand as well, and so it went on! One step led to another.🙂

My point in all of that is that it started with one decision and doing something about it. I’m known for not making up my mind quickly and tend to dither for ages. But that day last week I just knew we had to do something and do it now! It proved to be a God given ‘now moment’ as the carpet we bought was on offer for less than half price! Thank You Lord.

I wonder if you’ve been putting off a decision for a long time and you’ve dithered wondering whether it was right or not? Perhaps you’ve been thinking about a new job, or learning something new, or cutting down on chocolate biscuits.🙂 If so, whether it’s big or small, may I encourage you, as one ditherer to another, to make that decision and just do it! Take that step of faith to do whatever has been in your mind to do for however long, and the Lord will not just show you what comes next, He’ll go before you and help you to do it.

Our verse says God delights in every detail of our lives. He delights in our ‘now moments’ too. What a wonderful thought, and it includes even our carpet buying, or whatever ‘detail’ is in your life as well.🙂

I think there are going to be lots of ‘now moments’ for us all this year, so let’s be on the lookout for them so we can embrace them with a sense of great expectation and excitement, just as I am excited about Saturday!🤣

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