Saturday, 10 February 2024


Psalm 23:5 You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.

When King Charles was crowned king last year he was anointed with oil for the task ahead of him. But anointings are important for all of us throughout our lives, not just for kings.🙂 

We read how David was anointed three times, first as a teenager when the Spirit of God came on him for the rest of his life, then 15 years later he was anointed to be King of Judah and later King of all Israel. Different seasons, different anointings.

In Psalm 23 the Lord prepared a table for him and treated him like a special guest by anointing his head with oil till his cup was running over. That ‘anoint’ means to satisfy and fatten up, to remove the ashes. Have we some ‘ashes’ in our lives? Then God wants to give us fresh anointings to remove them and satisfy us.

1 John 2:20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One,…  The Lord has anointed each one of us with the Holy Spirit so we can live our lives with His power inside us. But, just like David, we too can come to the Lord to receive a fresh anointing to deal with whatever season we’re in now, because different seasons may need different anointings.

Sometimes a new season can be very unsettling and even feel a bit daunting, so it’s good to come to the Lord and receive a fresh anointing for whatever we’re being called to do. It might be for all kinds of things like a new appointment, caring for relatives, raising children, starting a business or entering retirement, all of which may be challenging and may need new levels of grace, fresh anointings, fresh drawing on God’s supernatural ability.

Maybe you feel like a bit of stale bread and you need a fresh touch from the Lord. Why not ask Him today to lay His hand on you for a fresh anointing to deal with whatever season you find yourself in right now. As the Apostle Paul says ‘be being filled with the Holy Spirit’  which is always present tense, always for our now. That is such a blessing.🙂

Psalm 92:10 …I shall be anointed with fresh oil. 

Have a blessed weekend.😊

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