Tuesday, 6 February 2024


Galations 6:9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

I’ve been hearing how there are a lot of contagious cold bugs going the rounds at the minute and many people are talking about the state of the world and feeling very down. 

But, just like we can catch the negative things off other people, let’s also believe we can be contagious too, but with the positive things, like faith and joy and peace and hope, knowing God is in control of our lives.🙂

Wherever we go we help to create an atmosphere. I’m sure we’ve all experienced walking into a room and you could cut the air with a knife. You just know there have probably been some harsh words spoken, or something has happened to cause tension or embarrassment in the room.

We can all be susceptible to atmosphere but with God’s help we can all be people who create an atmosphere where others will know they’ll find love and acceptance, where they know there will be a listening ear and receive kindness not criticism.

When we’ve been house hunting in the past we’ve sometimes gone in a house and immediately felt a lovely atmosphere where you know there was a lot of love. It’s quite strange how atmosphere can linger! I just love the thought though that we can leave an atmosphere of God’s love and His peace wherever we go. When we had our second baby the midwife who came commented on what a peaceful atmosphere there was in our house. We weren’t even aware of it, but she was! Praise the Lord.🙂

Maybe our assignment this week is to do just that, to create an atmosphere where people will feel encouraged, to give them hope, to know they’re valuable, where they know they’ll be built up and not knocked down. 

I know it’s something the Lord is challenging me on, to not be negative about things, and I have to keep repenting when I’ve fallen in the trap again! God wants us to dwell on the good things, not the bad. God help me do it! Help us all do it, to see the good in people, to be thankful for every good thing You give us.

So as we go about today let’s leave people with the warmth of a smile and a kind or an uplifting  thought to speed them on their way knowing at some point we will reap what we sow. Amen.

Photo by Ashley Whitlatch on Unsplash

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