I used to read my children a story called 'Andy Pandy and The Willow Tree' which made me wish for a beautiful tree for myself one day, like the one illustrated. About 25 years passed by and we bought a house which did indeed have a 70 foot high beautiful willow tree you could sit and picnic and play under - a daydream come true! I sat under it and remembered that little book and thought, how amazing is that, God has blessed me with the very tree I'd dreamed of having all those years ago!
The reason I'm telling you all that is because God knows our secret dreams, even our daydreams, and He cares about us and them. I don't believe it was a coincidence, I think it was an 'incidence' of the kindness of God - a Godincidence! No doubt you've had some of those too.
God wants us all to have visions and dreams for our lives whether we're young or older. And He says when we delight in Him our hearts desires will show up, even willow trees!
Habakkuk 2:2-3 And the Lord answered me: "Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end - it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.
Has God ever given you a vision or a dream for your life? A dream of being healed maybe? Or your loved ones all being saved? Or have you ever thought of 'doing something' but discarded it as too big, or too 'out there'? I believe God wants you to dust it off again and not just vision or dream it, but to write it down, in black and white for you to see. Pin it on your fridge door so every time you pass it by you read it and believe it..... He says it will surely come.
So can I encourage you to let God resurrect your dreams and bring new life to them so He takes your breath away. He's the God of the impossible and He uses the weak things of this world, not the ones who've got it all together, so never feel you don't qualify.
And if you don't have a dream then why not ask Him to give you a new one today. ๐Amen.
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