Thursday, 5 August 2021


Romans 5:17 ...much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One Jesus Christ.

When we give someone a gift we love to watch them open it. (A friend recently gave me an present of a lovely little sheep which I really enjoy looking at because it's so cute but I had to receive it before I could enjoy it.)  In this verse God is saying He's not only given us one gift, but two!  Let's bring joy to Him and receive them gladly. 

Our verse tells us He wants us to reign in life and that we don't need to struggle when He's told us the way to live successfully is by receiving both of these gifts. So what are they?

They both go hand in hand, but the first one is to receive the abundance of His grace (His undeserved kindness). I hope you've been and received some abundance today because it's there for each one of us and I'm beginning to get revelation that I need to go and receive it more and more, all through the day if necessary! How about you?

Let's make it practical. Do you need more energy and strength? Then go to the Lord and receive it by faith. If not that, then what do you need? Be honest with God and go and receive His grace to meet it. Grace is God providing whatever we need and it's not in the sweet by and by. It's now we need His grace and He's made it freely available to us and I'm so grateful for it.

His second gift is His righteousness and when we receive it, we're reminding ourselves that we're receiving God's approval and right standing with Him, and His righteousness qualifies us to receive the abundance of His grace.  Abundance is overflow and it reminds me of what Jesus said "I have come that they might have life, to the full, till it overflows." John 10:10  How lovely is that? 

Be encouraged; when we come to receive His grace and righteousness He sees our faith and we can come to Him about anything that troubles us.

All He asks us to do is receive His two gifts and enjoy them (like me with the sheep). Jesus is full of grace and truth. (John 1:14) 

 It's all because of Jesus and He wants us to reign in life much more. Thank You Lord.

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