Tuesday, 3 August 2021


Job 19:25 But as for me; I know that my Redeemer lives, and he will stand upon the earth at last.

Psalm 78:35 Then they remembered that God was their rock, that God most high was their redeemer.

It's good to remember God is our Redeemer! We are His because He paid the ransom note so we could belong to Him and we're now part of His redeemed family if Jesus is our Lord and Saviour.

Why is it important that our Redeemer lives?  Because Jesus still has a job to do. He is interceding on our behalf with the Father all the time (Hebrews 7:25 Therefore He is able once and forever, to save those who come to God through Him, since He lives forever  to intercede with God on their behalf.) and because one day He will stand upon the earth again and His rule and reign will never end. When we know Jesus is alive then we can relax and have total confidence He's got us covered for now and eternity!

Our verses tell us that He's not only alive but He's our Rock so whatever we face or have to do, He'll hold us steady. He's not a part time Redeemer either who's about to go off somewhere or leave us on our own to struggle through all on our own.

He is our constant reference point, our total security, the Rock we can place our confidence and trust in. Nor is God a wobbly rock like when we try to cross a stream and we tentatively try to step on rocks that wont wobble and tip us over. Rather we can cross a raging torrent if need be because God is the Rock we're standing on.

So next time you have to do something that's difficult or challenging just grab God's hand and know He's holding you steady and safe no matter what it is.

Remember the enemy has no control over you any more because Jesus redeemed you out from under that. (Psalm 107:2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy,). Jesus bought you with His own blood because you are of such great value to God.  Your Redeemer is interceding for you night and day and He's got you in a safe hold!

Thank You Lord, Our Redeemer is alive, we are the redeemed of the Lord. and we say so! Hallelujah!

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