Monday, 23 August 2021


Proverbs 11:27 If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you. (Nlt)

It's lovely when you meet people who are looking for the good in others and in situations.  They're positive, upbeat in their outlook and attitudes, and a pleasure to be with because they lift our spirits as well.

Unfortunately, some of us may have been raised in a less positive environment and were taught to expect the worst or be doom and gloom merchants. We all know people who tend to zoom in on the not so good things in people instead of looking for the best in them, either that, or they look for all the things that could go wrong. I fall into that trap myself sometimes! The trouble is negative attitudes are like a magnet and they draw negative things to us. Thankfully, positive attitudes will draw positive things to us.

It's actually a bible based principle, in fact it's the faith principle at work, and Jesus' words explain it in Matthew 8:13 will be done for you as you have believed.... which can actually work both negatively and positively. I have to keep asking myself  'Am I believing for the good to happen in this situation or am I believing for it to go wrong?'

God is saying in our verse to search for the good, seek it out, dwell on it rather than on the not so good because then we're expecting God's favour and His blessing.  Expect the best from people too because if you do that you will draw the best out of them. Isn't that a lovely thought that we can help to draw the best out of people we work with or meet from day to day by our attitude!

So as we start this new week let's look for and expect the best in situations and people and if they disappoint us, well keep searching, because they're made in God's image and there will be some good in there somewhere.😊 

Have a blessed week, believe for the best and experience God's favour.😊

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