Proverbs 2:3-5 Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. v.4 Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures.
I've always loved treasure hunts and it can be a lot of fun working out the clues, then having the 'ta-da' moment as you find the treasure! Who doesn't like the idea of 'X' marks the spot and finding buried treasure!?
God likens His wisdom, understanding and knowledge of God Himself as the greatest treasure we can ever look for and find. Proverbs says it's greater than being given rubies. (Proverbs 3:15) I used to work with precious jewels so I know how valuable they are, but scripture says they're nothing compared to the wisdom of knowing God!
Some people are seeking after wealth, or seeking promotion up the career ladder so they work long hours, or maybe they're seeking recognition for all they do. It's good sometimes to stop and take stock of our daily lives and ask 'what am I seeking after? What is my focus on more than anything else?'
Much of what we seek is necessary and legitimate if it's not the 'main' thing. But God says to make the 'main thing' seeking after Him, seeking after the hidden treasure of Wisdom found only in His Word and spending time in His presence. Let's be honest, it takes effort and time, but God says it will bring a huge reward; it will be like finding buried treasure! Treasure hunters don't mind searching when they know the treasure is worth it!
James 1:5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. All my adult life I've been asking the Lord for wisdom because I need it so very much. How about you?
So let me encourage you this week to go on a treasure hunt, spend some time and seek after the 'main thing' - God's wisdom, insight and understanding, which will bring you buried treasures which are greater than rubies!
Tomorrow we'll find out how to find it and what wisdom will bring us.
Have a wisdom inspired week. Oh, and if you read yesterday's Blog, don't forget to go and have a God hug before you begin.😊
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