Saturday, 7 August 2021


1 Corinthians 6:17 But the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

Wow, that is one big statement! You and  are actually joined to the Lord and we are one spirit with the Almighty, ever living God, who rules and reigns on high. He has actually come and joined His Spirit with ours! That's quite mind boggling isn't it?

Romans 8:9-11 says the Spirit of God comes to live in us. This is the same Spirit that raised Lazarus from the dead, that raised Jesus from hell and the grave, the same spirit that opens blind eyes, heals all diseases and casts out demons. It's the same Spirit of God who holds the stars in place and makes the sun rise every day, who knows how many hairs you have on your head. That's Who we are joined to!!  I don't know about you, but I need to remember that, especially when I feel discouraged!

He's actually living inside you and me because we surrendered to Jesus and made Him the Lord of our lives. He made us new beings in Christ (2 Cor.5:17) 

We are in Jesus, in God, and God and Christ are in us (John 17:23). It's like when you take tea leaves or coffee grounds and add hot water, they become infused with each other. You can't separate them out again, they have become one and give off a lovely fragrance.

That's what we're like. We've become infused with the Spirit of God Himself and He is permeating every part of us. He's changing us to be like God, so we can give off a lovely fragrance too. (Ephesians 4:23-24) 

Wherever we go the Spirit of God goes. Whatever we do the Spirit of God is there with us. We can't turn Him off or leave Him behind, He is just with us!

It really is the 'Holy Spirit and Me', the 'Holy Spirit and You'!  It certainly puts the enemy in his place because he doesn't stand a chance when we really know Whose we are and Who is in us. We are more than Conquerors through Christ.  Thank You Lord.

1 comment:

  1. ☕️ i like that u can’t separate the coffee and tea leaves we are infused in Jesus! Thankyou God!
