Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. (Nkjv)
Our verse today tells us pleasant and kind words bring healing to our souls, our bodies and bones. I'm sure we can all agree that kind words make us feel good whereas unkind words can make us feel bad. But another verse goes even further by saying that the Word of God itself brings healing. Proverbs 4:22 for they (God's words) bring life to those who find them and healing to their whole body. In the original language it says God's words are like medicine to our flesh.
It's amazing the power words have! There's an old saying that words can never hurt me but that's not true according to Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue. That's a very strong statement! Words can destroy or they can bring life, a curse or a blessing.
So when we put God's words in our mouths they can be God's literal medicine to our bodies and we can't overdose on it! Then as we speak encouraging or kind words they will help us and others enormously because they help build us up, restore us, (Prov. 16:24) and bring forgiveness as well.
Do you ever wonder why you feel bad after you've watched a programme where there has been anger, discord and arguing? They're not kind or pleasant words and they don't bring health or sweetness with them! They make us feel ill at ease, disgruntled and sometimes bad tempered ourselves! So let's think twice about what we're watching. How much better we feel when we've listened to pleasant, uplifting, life affirming words. It's because God made us that way. He didn't make us for strife but for peace, righteousness and joy. (Romans 14:27)
So today, let's be life carriers, help restore damaged souls, let's bring healing by our kind and pleasant words to people we meet. Let's tell them they're doing well, that they look good, that God loves them. Our words may be the only kind and pleasant words they hear all day.
Let the power of life be in our mouths today, not only to others, but to ourselves as well which is very important too. Let's share God's love and kindness wherever we go. 😊
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