Monday, 6 June 2022


Romans 8: 16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.

It's always good to know and remind ourselves who we are because if we don't we might not feel too brilliant for a number of reasons.

Who we are is not based on our performance. The enemy comes to try and tell us our value is in our performance and when we don't perform too well we feel bad and not worth much. But God wants us to know that we don't have to 'perform' because our value is in who we are, not what we can or can't do - we are a son or daughter of the Most High God.

Who we are is not based on our possessions. We don't have to own designer labels, or have the right stuff to be valuable. God says we're of great value just because of who we are, and whose we are - a child of God. Our value doesn't go up and down with what we do or don't own.

Who we are is not based on our popularity even if social media tries to say it is. We don't have to be popular, or to be 'liked' by all and sundry, to feel good about ourselves.  All that matters (whether we have peoples' approval or not) is that we know we're a child of the Most High God and He approves of us. (Ephesians 1:6)

God placed great value on us when He chose us and called us. The price Jesus paid on the cross has placed the highest value on us possible, so we don't need to perform, or possess or be popular. We just need to know who we are - a child of the Most High God, greatly blessed, highly favoured, deeply loved and accepted all because of Jesus. What a relief!😊

So as we begin a new week and if the enemy comes and whispers something in your ear to try to make you feel 'less than', just say "No! Not listening! I know who I am - I am a child of the Most High God."

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