Thursday, 16 June 2022


Acts 16:25-26 Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. Suddenly there was a massive earthquake the prison was shaken to its foundations. 

A few years ago we were woken up by a terrific shaking and loud rumbling which felt like a freight train was going through the house. It was literally shaking around us and although it only lasted a few seconds it was hairy. It transpired we'd experienced an earthquake which registered 5 on the Richter scale and I'd never want to experience that again!

Today we're reading about Paul and Silas who, even though they'd experienced a massive earthquake, which blew all the doors off, and a severe beating in prison only the day before, they're still able to minister to others. We read how they rescued the jailer from committing suicide and gave him and his family the good news about Jesus.

The next morning, even though they'd been up all night, they then went back to the believers in town and encouraged them before moving on. These men were not focused on themselves and what they'd just been through at all. Their main concern was others and encouraging them.

We've  probably all experienced things that have really 'shaken' us to our foundations, and for some it will have felt like 10 on the Richter scale. I hope Paul and Silas help us to see God can strengthen us to look beyond our own circumstances and even turn our focus on lifting up others. He'll show us how to encourage them through difficult times too.😊

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