Friday, 10 June 2022


Zechariah 4:10 Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin....

Have you ever started a project and wondered if it will ever amount to anything? Or perhaps you're thinking of starting a new hobby or a new skill. Maybe the Lord has given you an idea for something, or to branch out into some form of ministry but you've been reluctant to begin because you don't think you have the necessary skills or experience to make a go of it.

Our verse today encourages us to see past the small beginnings, no matter how tentative they are because He wants to bless it. It says the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. It doesn't say He rejoices to see it all complete or when it looks professional. No, He rejoices because He sees our faith to at least begin what He's put in our hearts because He can't bless something that hasn't even started!😊

Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith. Very often we don't know what we can do till we try, like I didn't know I could write a blog but I gave it a try. I've also been trying to draw and although I wasn't very good to begin with, over time I've seen some improvement, which has been fun as I draw teddy bears, but I do need to keep practising!  

I didn't know I could do lots of things till I tried and God has put a talent in your hands too. Jesus will not just be the author of it but the finisher of it as well, but He's waiting for us to begin.

So don't delay any longer but begin whatever it is and just see where it goes. Everybody and everything has to start somewhere, why not you, why not now?

Deuteronomy 28:8 The Lord will command the blessing on you ....... in all to which you set your hand....

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