Tuesday, 28 June 2022


Colossians 1:11 We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father....

We could probably all do with more strength especially at the end of the day when we're tired. Apart from spiritual endurance and patience, which we need all the time, God knows we also need physical endurance and sufficient energy to deal with the everydayness of our lives.

It's interesting he includes joy and thanksgiving in the same verse so there has to be a link.  It looks like our attitude will greatly affect our strength levels and I expect we all know the verse 'the joy of the Lord is our strength' which is the same thought.

Would you like some of God's glorious power to strengthen you? Well Apostle Paul believed in praying for strength and joy, so we can pray for the same. We just need to do our part which is to have a thankful attitude.

On the days when we might struggle to know what there is to be joyful or thankful about, he goes on to remind us... we've been rescued from the kingdom of darkness, transferred into the Kingdom of  his dear Son, He purchased our freedom and forgave our sins as well as giving us an inheritance (vs.12-14). 

That's quite a lot to be joyful and glad about even on our darkest days, don't you think?😊

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