Friday, 3 June 2022


Psalm 23: 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;

Yesterday we looked at a mum making a picnic lunch. For us it might be something very different that we do every day whether for ourselves or for others. The important thing is to enjoy the season we're in right now, whether we're young or older.

If we're older, scripture promises we will be fresh and flourishing and we'll bear fruit in older years. (Psalm 92:14) If we're younger then God's good purposes and plans are unfolding all the time and He'll complete what He's started in us. (Phil. 1:6) Let's receive it by faith.

Sometimes we wish we were doing something 'more exciting or interesting'!  Doing the same job, vacuuming the home, driving in traffic, making a meal - may feel a bit boring! But if we didn't have the house to clean, the car to drive, the meal to make, we would soon miss them and be excited if we could!😊

If we've got a bit tired of the daily routine let's ask the Lord to restore our enthusiasm for life and to remember it can still be exciting getting up in the morning. God's favour still surrounds us like a shield and something good is going to happen today because surely His goodness and mercy still follow us all the days of our lives.😊

Lord give us renewed enthusiasm for the life we have, a grateful heart for all You've given us, and a sense of anticipation of  'cup overflowing' days ahead. Amen.

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