Friday, 17 June 2022


Malachi 3:6 I am the Lord and I never change.

We're living in a world which seems to be changing so fast it's hard to keep up! Every time we go out the door prices have shot up again and it can be disturbing to say the least.

It's at those times we need to turn our eyes back on the word of God to be reminded that no matter what else changes in our world, our God never changes. 

That means because He was good before, then His goodness will be forever. He was faithful before, He will always be faithful to us. His love and kindness towards us has never changed one iota and He will remain the same forever. Because God does not change we can put our total confidence in Him always being there for us because of Jesus.

There is great stability and security in Him. Hebrews tells us Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and He is our solid rock in this changing world. Jesus is the Word which means His word also never changes and if it promises us something, that will not change either. He promised to provide all our needs and that hasn't changed.

So on days when it looks like everything is getting out of hand just go back to the word which says Jesus is upholding and maintaining the entire universe by His powerful word. (Hebrews 1:3 Amp).  

In other words Jesus is holding our lives and our world together and nothing can take us out of God's' hand, so of all people, we can put a smile on our faces and know God's got this and us.😊

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