Wednesday, 1 June 2022


Psalm 23: You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.

I heard someone say at the weekend that you'll never know your cup is overflowing when your eye is on someone else's mug!

As we begin a new month let's remember that God has filled our cup and it's overflowing with promises, with the value He has placed on us, with giftings He has put inside us, with blessings too many to count, with family and friends, with the love He has lavished on us in Jesus.

We're tempted to look at someone else's life or abilities and think we're less than, when all the time our mug is flowing over too and they're probably looking at us and thinking the same thing!😊

Even if we don't have all we'd like, what we have is enough for this moment in time. If we'll change our perspective we'll realise that if we were supposed to have what someone else has, then God would have given it to us if we needed it to fulfil our calling. 

We don't need what someone else has because we're not walking their walk.

God has anointed each one of us for the life He has given us and He will use what we already have, what He's placed on the inside of us, to fulfil our purpose. If we need more He wants us to know He will provide it at the right time, and we can rest in that and have peace about it.

Next time you get your mug out and it's steaming away, think about the overflow of blessings, the promises, the anointing God has already poured into your life and let your praises rise up with the steam as you drink.😊

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