Saturday, 25 June 2022


Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare. v.4 Gentle words are a tree of life.... 

Perhaps you're one of those lovely people who never speaks harshly to anyone, but just in case you're not, here is a gentle reminder for us to count to ten before we snap back at someone who has just pressed our wrong buttons! You know the moment, when everything in you wants to say 'something' or give someone a piece of your mind? In actual fact they don't need a 'piece' of our mind but they do need the 'peace' of God!

We all know answering back gives us satisfaction for a few moments but we also know it's very short lived because as soon as we do we usually feel guilty because we didn't listen to the Holy Spirit nudging us to keep quiet. It's a bit like eating a doughnut - it's three happy minutes in your mouth but three unhappy inches on your hips!😊

So if you're getting all hot and bothered about something or someone today, just stop and listen inside for a minute and allow the Holy Spirit to give you some of His peace and calm you down.  Instead of wanting to give back as good as you get, give back something better - a gentle, soft answer - and amaze everybody.😊

Have a lovely weekend.

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