Wednesday, 9 June 2021


Ephesians 1:8 He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding. (Nlt)

Our age makes no difference to the Lord in the Spirit, whether we are six or one hundred and six!. It's the same Holy Spirit who fills us and anoints us with the oil of gladness and His power. I've seen children filled with the Holy Spirit ministering in the gifts of the Spirit and speaking in tongues in just the same way as adults.  How can that be?  Because the Holy Spirit is the same in each one of us. We don't receive a childlike Holy Spirit when we are children and then a grown up Holy Spirit when we're adults. No the Holy Spirit, is who He is, in all of us! We see an example of that in the boy Samuel.

Why am I saying all that? Because this week I heard a little girl of about ten years old ministering under the power of the Holy Spirit preaching His word, and it spoke to me, so I wanted to share something of what she said with some extra thoughts the Lord has given me since.

She asked if we were an umbrella or a funnel. She put her hands above her head in the shape of an umbrella and explained we can actually prevent the blessings of God to pour down on us just like an umbrella stops the rain from falling on us. In our minds we have a block just like the umbrella. For some it's a block of tradition, or religion which has taught us not to expect anything from God, or 'we don't do it that way here' block! For some it's a block of fear or the unknown. We all have our blocks!

But if we're like a funnel then our arms are uplifted above our heads in the shape of a funnel with hearts and heads lifted up to the Lord ready to trust Him and receive all He has for us. He wants us to receive every blessing, every healing, every strengthening, wisdom, understanding, every gifting, every good thing He wants to pour into us, or as our verse says 'He has showered us' and I think God has a 'power shower' don't you?

The picture of the umbrella and the funnel really spoke to me and I want to take my umbrella down and instead be a funnel for God's blessings so they can pour into me and through me and out to others. How about you? Will you join me and stand under God's shower today with our arms uplifted like a funnel ready to receive all He has for us?  I hope it speaks to you too.😊

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