Tuesday, 1 June 2021


2 Kings 8:5 And Gehazi was telling the King about the time Elisha had brought a boy back to life. At that very moment, the mother of the boy walked in to make her appeal to the king about her house and land. "Look, my Lord the King!" Gehazi exclaimed. "Here is the woman now, and this is her son- the very one Elisha brought back to life!" v.6....so he (the King) directed ...that everything she had lost was restored to her...

In recent blogs we've looked at the Favour of  God, the Goodness of God and the Commanded Blessing of God on our lives and we see it in action in this story.

Elisha had told this lady to move away for seven years as there was going to be a famine in the land of Israel, then after the seven years were up she reappears on the very day Elisha's servant is telling the King about her! That's the timing of God, the favour of God, the goodness of God and the Commanded blessing of God as everything she'd left behind was restored to her! She was even given the value of the crops grown on her land in those intervening years! 

We as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ can rest in the knowledge that all those benefits are as much ours as they were that lady's because we are in covenant with Almighty God through the blood of the Lord Jesus. We belong to Him and we are part of His family. 

Maybe that lady was anxious as she moved her whole household out of Israel, left everything she knew, her friends, her home and lived amongst people she didn't know. But it was only for a season because the Lord had already set the day for her return! Isn't that amazing? 

So often we get bogged down in the here and now but we can be confident that whatever is happening now is only for a season, whatever you have had taken from you, God will restore.  In fact the scripture says He will restore double to us for our trouble! (Isaiah 61:7)

That lady had the favour of the King. You and I also have the favour of the King of Kings today. Glory to His Name.

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