Wednesday, 16 June 2021


Luke 10:41 But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! v.42 There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her."

It's a scenario many of us will identify with. Someone is coming for a meal, there's so much to plan and do to make it go right, then there's all the veg to prepare, the table to lay, watch it doesn't burn....! Been there, done that and bought the t-shirt! I've been Martha so many times!! For you it may be work pressures, family pressures, caring for the home pressures, they all seem so 'pressing' at any given time! "I've just got to do..."

But then we look across the room and there's Mary just sitting there at Jesus' feet, calm as you like, not all hot and bothered like us, appearing to be doing nothing. But actually she's not doing nothing, she's doing the 'one thing' that's most important of all, she's listening to what Jesus has got to say, she's hanging on His every word. This was an opportunity she just knew she couldn't miss and nothing else was more important at that moment in time. She had discovered the one thing worth being concerned about - listening to Jesus, listening to the Word. Jesus is the Word. The Word of God is Jesus. 

Have you discovered the 'one thing' worth being concerned about? Or have you discovered it and then forgotten about it?  Daily life rushes in on us and before you know it, it swoops us up and by the end of the day we can feel quite 'swooped'! We think 'where did the day go?' 

So just in case you've been a bit 'swooped' recently this is just a gentle reminder to take every opportunity you can to just sit still for a little while, get the Word of God out, give Jesus first place in your day and listen to what He's saying. He'll help us plan so that everything else can be fitted in around Him instead of us fitting Him in around everything else! His Words will calm us down and give us balance again. 

Just sit on the sofa for a minute, shut your eyes and imagine Jesus coming in and sitting down beside you, taking hold of your hand and resting it on His knee, then turn to look into His eyes and see His love and compassion for you in His eyes as He smiles and just listen. See Him wrap His arms around you pulling you in to Him and resting your head on His chest and just enjoy the moment with Him as He loves you and you love Him and know He's looking after you and everything will work out all right.

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